San Felipe
The San Felipe series takes the imprint of a specific place, registering the embedded memory in the public space. The act of walking and rubbing the street and window burglar bars and gates, is a way of capturing a neighborhood with its topography, its history, its symbols and particular elements accumulated through time, which are then used as elements to compose a soft, mutable painting, which hangs and is experienced as a tapestry.
La serie San Felipe toma la impronta de un lugar específico, registrando la memoria empotrada en el espacio público. El acto de caminar y hacer frotado de la calle y las rejas es una forma de vivir y capturar un barrio con su topografía, su historia, sus símbolos y elementos particulares, que luego se usan como elementos para componer una pintura blanda, mutable, que se cuelga y experimenta como telar.
San Felipe I, 2017, 65 x 62 in / 166 x 158 cm. Oil paint sticks and cotton thread on fabric San Felipe I, 2017, 65 x 62 in / 166 x 158 cm. Barras de óleo he hilo sobre tela
Esto es temporal, Group Show, Curated by Jose Ignacio Roca, , La Casita, Bogotá, Colombia 2017
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San Felipe II, 2017, 65 x 62 in / 166 x 158 cm. Oil paint sticks and cotton thread on fabric / San Felipe II, 2017, 65 x 62 in / 166 x 158 cm. Barras de óleo he hilo sobre tela
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