Cristina Rodriguez Entre muros 1.jpg

Entre Muros UN 2014-2016

Entre Muros UN 2014-2016  (Between Walls UN 2014-2016)
Artist Book published by Ediciones Galería Sextante/Taller Arte Dos Gráfico, Bogotá.
25 double sided, digitally printed foldouts, 17.3 x 12.2 in / 44 x 31 cm, inside etched acrylic box, 8.9 x 6.5 in / 22.5 x 16.5 cm.  Edition of 25.

Artist Book consisting of loose foldouts featuring photos taken at the National University of Colombia in Bogotá between the years 2014 and 2016.  These appropriated “public” words or images, which were neither close by nor related to each other, are re-contextualized on both sides of the fold out, confronting or continuing each other, acquiring new meaning in order to make a statement, an observation or ask a question out loud.  

There is no “fixed” order in which this book is experienced, neither is the cover image “fixed” since the order the foldouts are placed inside the clear acrylic case is always changing according to the viewers whim or chance

Entre Muros UN 2014-2016
Libro de Artista publicado por Ediciones Galería Sextante/Taller Arte Dos Gráfico, Bogotá.
25 plegables impresos digitalmente en ambas caras,17.3 x 12.2 in / 44 x 31 cm, dentro de una caja en acrílico transparente grabado a laser, 8.9 x 6.5 in / 22.5 x 16.5 cm. Edición de 25.

Libro de Artista compuesto por plegables sueltos con fotos tomadas en la Universidad Nacional de Colombia en Bogotá durante los años 2014 al 2016.  Estas palabras e imágenes “públicas” apropiadas, que no estaban cerca, ni relacionadas entre sí, son recontextualizadas en ambas caras del plegable, confrontando o continuando una a la otra, adquiriendo nuevos significados, para hacer algún comentario, una observación o una pregunta en voz alta. 

No hay un orden "fijo" dentro del cual el libro se experimenta, como tampoco está "fija" la imagen de la carátula, pues estos cambian de acuerdo al azar y el capricho del espectador.   

ENG> the tremendous life

 the tremendous life

ENG> 2+2 = 5   //   transformation of realities oh man...!

 2+2 = 5   //   transformation of realities oh man...!

ENG> the tremendous life  //   this is temporary

 the tremendous life  //   this is temporary

** There is no “fixed” order in which this book is experienced, neither is the cover image “fixed” since the order the foldouts are placed inside the clear acrylic case is always changing according to the viewers whim or chance // No hay u…
ENG> I'm not without you

 I'm not without you

ENG> do you think that by abandoning the country where we are you will solve anything?  

do you think that by abandoning the country where we are you will solve anything?  

ENG> paint me, caress me, make me yours

 paint me, caress me, make me yours

ENG> class warfare, solidarity in the population // meeting point

 class warfare, solidarity in the population // meeting point

ENG> how long will you stay with me? shall I prepare coffee or my life? // take it easy

 how long will you stay with me? shall I prepare coffee or my life? // take it easy

ENG>  do you study to work?   //   do you work to study? 

  do you study to work?   //   do you work to study? 

ENG> you are being watched

 you are being watched

ENG> doesn't scare me//   the guerrilla

 doesn't scare me//   the guerrilla

ENG> I'm a proactive student, I mobilize in face...(Facebook)

 I'm a proactive student, I mobilize in face...(Facebook)